Monthly Archives: December 2017

Why You Should Read This

Because the FCC is going to kill net neutrality.

Imagine your power company charging you more for using your electricity to power a TV or computer instead of a radio or hair dryer. That’s what will happen if the freedom of the Internet is handed over to the ISPs. We will enter a new age of robber barons like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt; instead of oil, coal, and steel, however, their monopolies will be over what you information you have access to.

ISPs will be able to charge you more for certain sites. Think of it like satellite or cable TV. Do you want to have to pay for the “premium package” just so you can have access to Facebook and Google? Do you want the news outlets you have access to determined by which media companies your ISP has deals with?

You may hate government oversight and interference into the free market. You may think the federal government is evil and hell-bent on destroying all your freedoms.

I don’t have time to explain why net neutrality is not that. You’re just going to have to trust that I’ve done my homework on this and know what I’m talking about.

Call your representatives. CALL THEM. Today. Call this number – (202) 224-3121 – and they’ll put you in touch with your Senators and House rep. Call all three. TODAY.